To guide our work, members of the Gender Justice Initiative research team abide by a shared set of values and priorities. It is through these values that we ground our work with communities. We invite those we work and interact with to adapt and live by these values and shared priorities, too.

1. We believe survivors.
2. We reject the lie of white supremacy.
3. We commit to anti-oppressive work.
4. We commit to expanding our thinking on how to reach liberation.
5. Individuals and communities know best what they need.
6. Individuals and communities are experts in their own lived experiences and are in control of their own narratives.
7. Individuals and communities are in control of if, what, and how they share pieces of themselves, their histories, and their identities.
8. Social science is a tool to achieve social justice.
9. We bear witness.
10. Gender-based violence is a form of structural violence that results from and serves to maintain oppression. We can end gender-based violence. We can achieve liberation.